About |
eeguana: Flexible Manipulation of EEG Data |
Reading and writing functionsFunctions for reading external files and return an |
Read an edf/edf+/bdf file into R |
Read a FIF file into R |
Read a Fieldtrip file into R |
Read EEGlab set files (Matlab files) into R |
Read a BrainVision file into R |
Write an eeg_lst object to BrainVision file(s) (experimental) |
Tidyverse verbs (and extensions)Functions that overload some tidyverse functions and always return an |
Dplyr-like functions for manipulating eeg_lst objects. |
Drop segments with NAs from the eeg_lst |
Bind eeg_lst objects. |
Choose samples by the position |
Specialized summarizing functionsFunctions that return useful summaries. |
Count number of complete segments of an eeg_lst object. |
Show correlations between ICA sources and eye (EOG) electrodes. |
Show a table with a summary of the results of the ICA. |
Show the variance explained for each ICA sources. |
Display information of the eeg_lst object. |
Summary of eeg_lst information. |
EEG-specialized functionsFunctions for applying specialized actions on the signal table, channel, or the entire |
Detect artifacts and add them in the events table of an |
Remove (transform to NA) problematic events from the signal table of an eeg_lst. |
EEG signal decomposition using Independent Component Analysis (ICA) |
Show correlations between ICA sources and eye (EOG) electrodes. |
Select independent components (or sources) to keep. |
Add independent components (or sources) to the signal table for visualization. |
Show a table with a summary of the results of the ICA. |
Show the variance explained for each ICA sources. |
Baseline an eeg_lst |
Downsample EEG data |
Re-reference a channel or group of channels. |
Segment (and unsegment) an eeg_lst. |
Apply a zero-phase low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, or band-stop FIR or IIR filter. |
Get the by-sample (or by-row) function of the specified channels. |
Get the by-sample (or by-row) mean of the specified channels. |
Compute power bands. |
Compute the power spectral density (PSD) of an EEG signal. |
Plot functionsWrappers to |
Create an ERP plot |
Create a basic signal plot |
Generates topographic plots of the components after running ICA on an eeg_lst |
Arrange ERP plots according to scalp layout |
Create a topographic plot |
Adds the electrode labels to a head shape |
Adds a layer with the events on top of a plot of an eeg_lst. |
Add a head shape to a ggplot |
Eeguana ggplot themes |
‘base’-inspired functionsFunctions for getting specific information about the objects that compose an |
Coerce a vector of real (double) numbers into a channel object |
Transforms an object to a eeg_lst |
Convert a time point into a sample. |
Convert an eeg_lst to a long table in |
Convert an psd_lst to a long table in |
Convert an eeg_lst to a long table in |
Convert an psd_lst to a long table in |
Convert a sample point into a time point. |
Convert an eeg_lst to a (base) data frame. |
Convert a psd_lst to a (base) data frame. |
Convert an eeg_lst to a long table in |
Convert a psd_lst list to a long table in |
Test if the object is a channel or EOG channel |
Test if the object is a component This function returns TRUE for components. |
Test if the object is an eeg_lst. |
Test if the object is an events_tbl This function returns TRUE for events_tbl. |
Test if the object is a psd_lst. |
Test if the object is a psd_tbl |
Test if the object is a sample This function returns TRUE for samples. |
Test if the object is a signal_tbl |
Handle Missing Values in eeg_lst objects |
Display information of the eeg_lst object. |
Function to get the list of mixing and unmixing matrices of an eeg_ica_lst object. |
Editing functionsFunctions for showing (and sometimes editing) |
Function to get the signal table of an eeg_lst object. |
Functions to get or set the events table of an eeg_lst object. |
Function to get the segments table of an eeg_lst object. |
Functions to get or set the channel information of an eeg_lst object. |
Constructor functionsFunctions for creating objects. |
Create an eeg_lst |
Creates a |
Builds a series of sample numbers. |
Builds a channel. |
Builds a component. |
OthersSome other useful functions. |
Create a table with interpolated signals of an eeg_lst object. |
Change coordinate system from 3D to 2D |
Generates pink noise |
Wrapper for FastICA methods for Independent Component Analysis from fICA package |
Wrapper for FastICA method for Independent Component Analysis from fastICA package |
Function to get the list of mixing and unmixing matrices of an eeg_ica_lst object. |
Convenience function for range subsets |
Install the Python packages needed for |
Example data setsExample data sets in eeg_lst format. |
EEGs elicited when one subject saw faces and non-faces objects. |
ERPs elicited when one subject saw faces and non-faces objects. |
LayoutsLayout of caps |
Layout for a 32 electrodes cap at the standard 10-20 system |
Signal processingMiscellanous signal processing functions (mostly adapted from python and matlab) |
Compute the one-dimensional discrete Fourier Transform. |
Compute the one-dimensional inverse discrete Fourier Transform. |