Creates an eeg_lst object from BrainVision exported files.The function reads metadata from the .vhdr BrainVision file, which draws on the .vmrk and .dat/.eeg files. All three files must be in the same directory.
.sep = .type == "New Segment",
.zero = .type == "Time 0",
.recording = file
A vhdr file in a folder that contains a .vmrk and .dat files
Segment separation marker. By default: .type == "New Segment"
Time zero marker. By default: .type == "Time 0"
Recording name (file
name, by default).
An eeg_lst
object with signal_tbl and event from file_name.dat,
file_name.vhdr, and file_name.vmrk.
if (FALSE) {
# load a single subject
s1 <- read_vhdr("./faces.vhdr", .recording = "1")
# load multiple subjects using purrr::map, extracting subject IDs from file names
faces_list <- purrr::map(list.files("./", "vhdr"), ~
faces <- bind(faces_list)