
Creates an eeg_lst object from Matlab exported files.The function reads a .mat file using R.matlab. If you do not already have R.matlab installed in R, you will need to install it yourself. The .mat file should have the structure described in this Fieldtrip reference article.

read_ft(file, .layout = NULL, .recording = file)



A .mat file containing a fieldtrip struct.


A .mat layout from Fieldtrip


Recording name, by default is the file name.


An eeg_lst object with signal_tbl and event from a Matlab file.

See also

Other reading and writing functions: read_edf(), read_fif(), read_set(), read_vhdr()


if (FALSE) {
s1 <- read_ft("./subject1.mat", layout = "easycapM25.mat", .recording = 1)