
A dataset containing 10 trials where one subject either saw faces or a non-faces objects with preprocessing done in BrainVision 2.0. See also the vignette Introduction - Manipulating a clean EEG file exported from BrainVision 2.0.



An eeg_lst with the following events:

  • .type == "New Segment" indicates the beginning of the recording.

  • .type == "Bad Interval" indicates an interval marked as an artifact by BrainVision 2.0.

  • .type == "UserDefined", .description == "Blink indicates an interval marked as a blink by BrainVision 2.0.

  • .type == "Stimulus", .description == "s5 indicates the beginning of the experiment.

  • .type == "Stimulus", .description == "s111 indicates

  • .type == "Stimulus", .description == "s130 indicates the beginning of the trial.

  • .type == "Stimulus", .description == "s122 indicates

  • .type == "Stimulus", .description == "s121 indicates

  • .type == "Stimulus", .description == "s70 indicates that a face was presented.

  • .type == "Stimulus", .description == "s71 indicates that a non-face was presented.

See also

Other EEG datasets: data_faces_ERPs