Remove (transform to NA) problematic events from the signal table of an eeg_lst.
.n_chs = NULL,
.entire_seg = TRUE,
.drop_events = TRUE,
.all_chs = FALSE
An eeg_lst
Description of the problematic event.
If set to NULL
(default), it will only set NA
to the relevant channel.If set to a number N
, it will set all the channels of the entire segment or interval to NA
, if N
or more channels have a certain event, and otherwise only the relevant channel.
If set to FALSE
, it will consider only the marked part of the segment, otherwise it will consider the entire segment (Default: .entire_seg = TRUE).
If set to TRUE
(default), the events that were used for setting signals to NA, will be removed from the events table.
An eeg_lst.
Other events functions:
if (FALSE) {
# Signals with artifacts are turned into NA values:
faces_clean <- faces_seg_artif %>%
eeg_events_to_NA(.type == "artifact", .entire_seg = TRUE, .drop_events = TRUE)
# Specific segments are turned into NA values:
faces_clean <- faces_seg_artif %>%
eeg_events_to_NA(.id %in% c(1:3), .entire_seg = TRUE, .drop_events = TRUE)