
  • eeg_segment() subdivides of the EEG into different segments or epochs. (Fieldtrip calls the segment "trials".) The limits of segment are inclusive: If, for example, lim = c(0,0), the segment would contain only sample 1.

eeg_segment(.data, ..., .lim = c(-0.5, 0.5), .end, .unit = "s")

  .start = 1,
  .sep = c(.type = "New Segment", .description = ""),
  .zero = c(.type = "Time 0", .description = "")



An eeg_lst object.


Description of the event.


Vector indicating the time before and after the event. Or dataframe with two columns, with nrow=total number of segments


Description of the event that indicates the end of the segment, if this is used, .lim is ignored.


"seconds" (or "s"), "milliseconds" (or "ms"), or samples.


Initial sample when an object is unsegmented


Segment separation marker. By default: .type == "New Segment"


Time zero marker. By default: .type == "Time 0"


An eeg_lst.


  • eeg_unsegment() does not reverse the segmentation, it simply concatenates all segments creating one object with only one segment.

When there is no segmentation, the eeg_lst contain one segment.

See also

Other preprocessing functions: eeg_baseline(), eeg_downsample(), eeg_ica_keep(), eeg_ica(), eeg_rereference(), filt


# Segments 500ms before and 1000ms after the triggers s70 and s71
data_faces_10_trials %>% eeg_segment(.description %in% c("s70", "s71"),
  .lim = c(-5, 1)
#> # Total of 9 segments found.
#> # Object size in memory 7.3 Mb after segmentation.
#> # EEG data:
#> # Signal table:
#> Key: <.id, .sample>
#>          .id      .sample           Fp1           Fpz           Fp2
#>        <int> <sample_int> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl>
#>     1:     1        -2499    -21.109169    -28.948433   -25.2941818
#>     2:     1        -2498    -26.754496    -31.574997   -29.3033142
#>     3:     1        -2497    -28.524906    -30.061056   -29.8119774
#>     4:     1        -2496    -19.430933    -21.690756   -22.9545746
#>     5:     1        -2495     -5.725405    -12.675667   -14.1778440
#>    ---                                                             
#> 27005:     9          497     -8.819434    -10.321518    -4.1491461
#> 27006:     9          498     -6.959885    -10.197778    -3.9415770
#> 27007:     9          499     -1.756994     -7.125042    -1.8327932
#> 27008:     9          500      3.828817     -3.076797     0.1685476
#> 27009:     9          501      6.447233     -1.101932     0.8303175
#>                   F7            F3            Fz            F4            F8
#>        <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl>
#>     1:  -10.91393471    -7.5658569    -8.7408314     -8.170362    -6.2060385
#>     2:  -15.56297112    -8.5204601    -8.6705694     -7.897309    -6.2139606
#>     3:  -18.79760742   -10.9199018    -8.0307159     -6.302173    -7.0704432
#>     4:  -14.15851784   -11.1185970    -5.9641218     -3.515551    -9.4960175
#>     5:   -2.97854924    -7.5502534    -3.7647977     -1.728970   -11.8486443
#>    ---                                                                      
#> 27005:   -0.04505777    -3.4396243    -0.3492746      1.448371    -0.9764605
#> 27006:   -0.39633083    -5.2603526    -0.5973411      2.423673    -1.4587488
#> 27007:    1.76945877    -4.0067720     0.8627796      3.911339    -2.3904738
#> 27008:    5.14945936    -1.2876422     2.6780972      4.573048    -3.9883673
#> 27009:    7.85265970     0.7570639     3.2915244      3.903461    -5.8100514
#>                  FC5           FC1           FC2           FC6            M1
#>        <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl>
#>     1:   -10.3604956     -8.741921    -11.687920    -3.2395220   -1.33440495
#>     2:    -8.3586874     -9.393848    -11.007945    -2.0159216   -0.40914702
#>     3:    -6.6766038    -10.921223     -9.508024     0.6382501   -0.02219653
#>     4:    -5.3997726    -11.370429     -8.181183     2.3170936   -0.15380359
#>     5:    -1.5244772    -10.140000     -8.618706     0.1669424   -0.42611933
#>    ---                                                                      
#> 27005:    -3.1192555      7.583683      4.683777     2.0146487   -0.75850582
#> 27006:    -5.0121384      7.003987      5.093409     2.6218574   -0.48889470
#> 27007:    -3.8819036      8.010637      6.655658     2.4396117    0.37114978
#> 27008:     0.2056897      9.351544      7.915032     1.1819088    0.79920685
#> 27009:     3.5806384      9.694896      7.764079    -0.7410481    0.47170472
#>                   T7            C3            Cz            C4            T8
#>        <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl>
#>     1:    -10.026085     -9.994508     -9.713416    -11.545010     -5.506052
#>     2:    -10.864231    -11.186291    -10.363641    -10.096234    -13.692937
#>     3:    -10.305115    -14.071175    -11.175298     -7.532410    -18.642357
#>     4:     -6.952291    -15.679218    -11.470225     -5.610895    -15.585937
#>     5:     -1.514339    -14.149639    -11.411907     -7.089185     -5.756573
#>    ---                                                                      
#> 27005:     -2.933141      1.959429      5.739326      3.235288      7.357582
#> 27006:     -3.713117      1.318202      5.491092      3.290012      7.295595
#> 27007:     -2.321592      1.811074      6.128494      3.688938      5.087297
#> 27008:      1.119921      2.753958      6.793680      3.092779      3.427744
#> 27009:      3.754653      3.358357      6.357634      1.617870      3.171353
#>                   M2           CP5           CP1           CP2           CP6
#>        <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl>
#>     1:    1.33440495    -10.124557    -21.182615     -8.225979      1.352515
#>     2:    0.40914702    -10.541845    -22.123146     -8.299847      2.918134
#>     3:    0.02219653    -10.097946    -22.904871     -7.499836      6.240794
#>     4:    0.15380359     -7.715628    -22.575096     -6.102085      8.873845
#>     5:    0.42611933     -3.972811    -21.122660     -5.780276      7.216280
#>    ---                                                                      
#> 27005:    0.75850582      2.440120      9.009402      2.962071      2.134945
#> 27006:    0.48889470      2.300604      8.520119      3.144351      2.515271
#> 27007:   -0.37114978      2.277759      8.711225      3.692545      2.287699
#> 27008:   -0.79920685      2.035310      8.742649      3.526225     -0.904506
#> 27009:   -0.47170472      2.071527      8.072234      2.323087     -4.643136
#>                   P7            P3            Pz            P4            P8
#>        <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl>
#>     1:    -12.080380    -10.113933     -8.703011   -4.20130539      3.195775
#>     2:    -11.193981    -10.194810     -9.080425   -4.14209843      2.318590
#>     3:     -7.487033     -9.285007     -8.754600   -2.61196470      3.541405
#>     4:     -1.335482     -7.199755     -7.912488   -0.50822496      6.676203
#>     5:      4.918743     -4.848968     -7.416552   -0.01726842      8.177627
#>    ---                                                                      
#> 27005:     -5.362492      3.755604      7.436291    0.44716191     -3.323942
#> 27006:     -5.735914      3.123381      7.172704    0.63476968     -2.597961
#> 27007:     -5.450908      3.175655      7.514575    0.96244740     -2.774142
#> 27008:     -4.410063      3.246389      7.394914    0.24067569     -3.957345
#> 27009:     -2.809917      2.920698      6.190672   -1.19312561     -4.774019
#>                  POz            O1            Oz            O2          EOGV
#>        <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl>
#>     1:     -8.369589    -8.4397917    -3.8788650    -0.1158402    -19.684998
#>     2:     -9.067577    -8.5709276    -4.3982387    -0.5201874    -16.109802
#>     3:     -7.452994    -5.2471170    -1.8378611     1.8578585    -11.800674
#>     4:     -4.108239     1.1644255     3.2520020     6.4933400     -7.483185
#>     5:     -1.417105     7.4992466     8.0737114    10.8989525     -6.017853
#>    ---                                                                      
#> 27005:      5.305985    -2.0515025    -0.6655829    -1.8001112     -6.660660
#> 27006:      5.463353    -1.7843865    -0.1968485    -1.1158936     -5.629734
#> 27007:      5.724925    -0.8298787     0.3083435    -0.6791936     -5.186114
#> 27008:      5.367867     0.6219659     0.7365036    -0.5318193     -4.111660
#> 27009:      4.392406     2.3162208     1.4108977     0.1259224     -2.589244
#>                 EOGH
#>        <channel_dbl>
#>     1:    -54.449097
#>     2:    -68.097107
#>     3:    -83.815216
#>     4:   -100.941864
#>     5:   -118.664459
#>    ---              
#> 27005:      6.173569
#> 27006:      4.975996
#> 27007:      3.522355
#> 27008:      2.911364
#> 27009:      3.616112
#> # Events table:
#>        .id        .type .description     .initial       .final .channel
#>      <int>       <char>       <char> <sample_int> <sample_int>   <char>
#>   1:     1 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max        -2499        -1905      Fp1
#>   2:     1 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max        -2499        -1906      Fpz
#>   3:     1 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max        -2499        -1905      Fp2
#>   4:     1 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max        -2499        -1980       F7
#>   5:     1 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max        -2499        -1939       Fz
#>  ---                                                                   
#> 150:     9 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max        -1691        -1349      Fpz
#> 151:     8 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max          277          501       F8
#> 152:     9 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max        -1672        -1435       F8
#> 153:     9     Stimulus         s130         -369         -369     <NA>
#> 154:     9     Stimulus          s70            1            1     <NA>
#> # Segments table:
#> Key: <.id>
#>      .id .recording segment     type description
#>    <int>     <char>   <int>   <char>      <char>
#> 1:     1 faces.vhdr       1 Stimulus         s70
#> 2:     2 faces.vhdr       2 Stimulus         s71
#> 3:     3 faces.vhdr       3 Stimulus         s71
#> 4:     4 faces.vhdr       4 Stimulus         s71
#> 5:     5 faces.vhdr       5 Stimulus         s70
#> 6:     6 faces.vhdr       6 Stimulus         s71
#> 7:     7 faces.vhdr       7 Stimulus         s71
#> 8:     8 faces.vhdr       8 Stimulus         s70
#> 9:     9 faces.vhdr       9 Stimulus         s70

# Segments 500ms before and  after the triggers all the triggers (which start with s)
data_faces_10_trials %>% eeg_segment(startsWith(.description, "s"))
#> # Total of 22 segments found.
#> # Object size in memory 2.9 Mb after segmentation.
#> # EEG data:
#> # Signal table:
#> Key: <.id, .sample>
#>          .id      .sample           Fp1           Fpz           Fp2
#>        <int> <sample_int> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl>
#>     1:     1         -249      78.62610      41.76394     34.068588
#>     2:     1         -248      78.20166      41.62954     33.610832
#>     3:     1         -247      77.59616      41.61887     33.336830
#>     4:     1         -246      77.26508      41.62726     33.294086
#>     5:     1         -245      77.91381      41.76098     33.804604
#>    ---                                                             
#> 10768:    22           -3     -20.42674     -14.87641    -10.669024
#> 10769:    22           -2     -19.79967     -13.65431     -9.698612
#> 10770:    22           -1     -18.61094     -13.91012    -10.128812
#> 10771:    22            0     -16.96312     -14.78610    -11.301287
#> 10772:    22            1     -15.31518     -15.08285    -11.722956
#>                   F7            F3            Fz            F4            F8
#>        <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl>
#>     1:    61.0350227     34.753330     23.639185     12.744570    -13.112861
#>     2:    61.1616707     34.804611     23.652182     12.445484    -14.556956
#>     3:    61.4098625     35.196716     24.083496     12.643650    -15.556440
#>     4:    61.8770332     36.010979     24.737810     13.239056    -15.982599
#>     5:    62.2362175     37.131126     25.163519     14.187828    -15.586605
#>    ---                                                                      
#> 10768:    -0.5581126    -10.197008     -8.468801     -5.040645     -9.132243
#> 10769:    -0.6716754     -8.732699     -7.252934     -3.377731     -8.813243
#> 10770:    -0.7749598     -8.517799     -6.654031     -2.315117     -7.843120
#> 10771:    -0.7414806     -9.084275     -6.622538     -1.845731     -6.556810
#> 10772:    -0.3960888     -9.219618     -6.436240     -1.520404     -5.406781
#>                  FC5           FC1           FC2           FC6            M1
#>        <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl>
#>     1:     30.128681    23.3925400     14.100018     -6.422720    12.4504757
#>     2:     30.302704    23.3768749     13.896832     -6.914124    12.6632786
#>     3:     30.541927    23.6706333     14.134787     -6.780725    12.4736462
#>     4:     30.937969    24.3952389     14.782417     -6.398545    12.6501217
#>     5:     31.381741    25.3208199     15.564636     -5.875418    13.6455660
#>    ---                                                                      
#> 10768:     -7.535339    -2.3418787     -3.478385     -9.384595     0.8050708
#> 10769:     -9.061241    -1.0433049     -1.930508     -7.475998     0.9832335
#> 10770:     -7.603340    -0.6127751     -1.379790     -5.710404     1.2051768
#> 10771:     -2.782797    -1.4022492     -1.640656     -4.640865     1.4103985
#> 10772:      2.897767    -2.5480108     -1.864611     -4.351316     1.1627738
#>                   T7            C3            Cz            C4            T8
#>        <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl>
#>     1:  16.627613068    19.3569126     13.314775      9.826402     -4.390102
#>     2:  16.668287277    19.8309460     12.891417      9.151336     -4.906647
#>     3:  16.746711731    20.4183846     12.895780      8.738137     -5.022333
#>     4:  17.144357681    21.2801056     13.359244      8.833906     -5.103370
#>     5:  17.746068954    22.1702232     13.766891      9.318307     -5.340479
#>    ---                                                                      
#> 10768:   0.003161311    -0.1895013     -4.354355     -8.362184     -5.082950
#> 10769:   0.534484148     1.4632750     -2.513818     -6.418050     -5.036983
#> 10770:   0.933975220     1.7615180     -1.322806     -5.185612     -1.183164
#> 10771:   1.373799086    -0.1813622     -1.508159     -5.173932      3.655909
#> 10772:   1.512201071    -3.2800312     -2.576048     -5.242217      5.829760
#>                   M2           CP5           CP1           CP2           CP6
#>        <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl>
#>     1:   -12.4504757     9.7454624    16.1605930     11.496984      2.658234
#>     2:   -12.6632786    10.6645718    16.2766094     10.781269      2.442920
#>     3:   -12.4736462    11.3375053    16.4452610     10.505079      2.383664
#>     4:   -12.6501217    11.8110027    16.8414211     10.822355      2.384418
#>     5:   -13.6455660    12.0349388    17.1879940     11.238800      2.295322
#>    ---                                                                      
#> 10768:    -0.8050708     3.3321576     0.7318851     -8.517914    -14.386089
#> 10769:    -0.9832335     3.6177154     2.1529536     -6.548975    -11.468288
#> 10770:    -1.2051768     3.1916180     2.6771717     -5.318815     -8.818744
#> 10771:    -1.4103985     1.9870222     1.8302985     -5.515146     -7.753020
#> 10772:    -1.1627738     0.5995106     0.1455368     -6.459312     -7.319424
#>                   P7            P3            Pz            P4            P8
#>        <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl>
#>     1:    -1.7451426     7.0334272      8.180294      4.775116     -4.629857
#>     2:    -0.2636484     7.1291485      7.601710      4.440700     -4.131961
#>     3:     0.5830721     6.8668699      7.199402      4.265406     -3.937120
#>     4:     0.9209399     6.5586395      7.161300      4.300853     -4.057757
#>     5:     0.9128329     6.2931347      7.174585      4.265417     -4.283892
#>    ---                                                                      
#> 10768:     7.0251837     0.5382314     -4.589949    -10.580815    -11.031232
#> 10769:     6.4313159     0.9306827     -3.111303     -8.619126     -9.325615
#> 10770:     4.4492149     0.3993354     -2.119561     -6.606555     -6.365070
#> 10771:     2.3532932    -1.1857104     -2.376006     -5.663703     -4.065647
#> 10772:     1.0884135    -3.2549555     -3.662545     -5.691663     -3.320732
#>                  POz            O1            Oz            O2          EOGV
#>        <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl> <channel_dbl>
#>     1:      2.716347    -1.8138508     -1.052482    -3.7898300     221.72339
#>     2:      2.882783     0.9058186      1.491970    -1.8266290     222.24321
#>     3:      3.019314     3.1099281      4.017059    -0.1130857     221.69824
#>     4:      3.093190     4.1138868      5.513156     0.8811790     219.79274
#>     5:      2.720414     3.4851596      4.737876     0.5716844     216.66183
#>    ---                                                                      
#> 10768:     -5.136292     1.4443915     -5.164615    -8.2288170      18.41424
#> 10769:     -3.689569     1.4091530     -3.915735    -6.4314718      19.22052
#> 10770:     -2.319134     0.5369543     -2.351812    -3.4845843      19.74028
#> 10771:     -1.927569    -0.5624531     -1.339175    -1.1418194      19.20309
#> 10772:     -2.687999    -1.2014523     -1.284558    -0.7185705      18.72752
#>                 EOGH
#>        <channel_dbl>
#>     1:    186.836212
#>     2:    185.994202
#>     3:    186.654510
#>     4:    186.596741
#>     5:    184.106873
#>    ---              
#> 10768:      6.434383
#> 10769:      7.837689
#> 10770:      8.659687
#> 10771:      8.609533
#> 10772:      8.829977
#> # Events table:
#>       .id        .type .description     .initial       .final .channel
#>     <int>       <char>       <char> <sample_int> <sample_int>   <char>
#>  1:     1 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249          139       F8
#>  2:     1 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249         -210       F7
#>  3:     1 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -215          190      Fp1
#>  4:     1 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -214          175      Fp2
#>  5:     1 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -214          180      Fpz
#>  6:     1 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -197          144       Fz
#>  7:     1 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -197          138       F4
#>  8:     1 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -195          141       F3
#>  9:     1 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -191          119       F7
#> 10:     1     Stimulus           s5            1            1     <NA>
#> 11:     2     Stimulus         s101            1            1     <NA>
#> 12:     3 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249          147      Fp1
#> 13:     4 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249          -78      Fp1
#> 14:     3 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249          147      Fpz
#> 15:     4 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249          -78      Fpz
#> 16:     3 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249          148      Fp2
#> 17:     4 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249          -77      Fp2
#> 18:     3 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249          122       F8
#> 19:     4 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249         -103       F8
#> 20:     3 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -231          120       Fz
#> 21:     4 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249         -105       Fz
#> 22:     3 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -230          119       F4
#> 23:     4 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249         -106       F4
#> 24:     3 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -229          118       F3
#> 25:     4 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249         -107       F3
#> 26:     3 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -224           76       F7
#> 27:     4 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249         -149       F7
#> 28:     3 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -222           70      FC2
#> 29:     4 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249         -155      FC2
#> 30:     3 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -222           71      FC1
#> 31:     4 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249         -154      FC1
#> 32:     3 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -221           62      FC6
#> 33:     4 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249         -163      FC6
#> 34:     3 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -217           70      FC5
#> 35:     4 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249         -155      FC5
#> 36:     3 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -208           66       C3
#> 37:     4 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249         -159       C3
#> 38:     3 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -205           66       Cz
#> 39:     4 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249         -159       Cz
#> 40:     3 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -202           58      CP1
#> 41:     4 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249         -167      CP1
#> 42:     3 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -200           56       C4
#> 43:     4 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249         -169       C4
#> 44:     3 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -196           54      CP2
#> 45:     4 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249         -171      CP2
#> 46:     3 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -191           51       Pz
#> 47:     4 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249         -174       Pz
#> 48:     3 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -186           46       P3
#> 49:     4 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249         -179       P3
#> 50:     3 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -186           -2      CP5
#> 51:     4 Bad Interval  Bad Min-Max         -249         -227      CP5
#> 52:     3     Stimulus         s111            1            1     <NA>
#> 53:     4     Stimulus         s111         -224         -224     <NA>
#> 54:     3     Stimulus         s130          226          226     <NA>
#> 55:     4     Stimulus         s130            1            1     <NA>
#> 56:     5     Stimulus          s70            1            1     <NA>
#> 57:     6     Stimulus         s130            1            1     <NA>
#> 58:     7     Stimulus          s71            1            1     <NA>
#> 59:     8     Stimulus         s130            1            1     <NA>
#> 60:     9     Stimulus          s71            1            1     <NA>
#> 61:    10     Stimulus         s130            1            1     <NA>
#> 62:    11     Stimulus          s71            1            1     <NA>
#> 63:    12     Stimulus         s130            1            1     <NA>
#> 64:    13     Stimulus          s70            1            1     <NA>
#> 65:    14     Stimulus         s130            1            1     <NA>
#> 66:    15     Stimulus          s71            1            1     <NA>
#> 67:    16     Stimulus         s130            1            1     <NA>
#> 68:    17     Stimulus          s71            1            1     <NA>
#> 69:    18     Stimulus         s130            1            1     <NA>
#> 70:    19     Stimulus          s70            1            1     <NA>
#> 71:    20     Stimulus         s130            1            1     <NA>
#> 72:    21     Stimulus          s70            1            1     <NA>
#> 73:    22     Stimulus         s130            1            1     <NA>
#>       .id        .type .description     .initial       .final .channel
#> # Segments table:
#> Key: <.id>
#>       .id .recording segment     type description
#>     <int>     <char>   <int>   <char>      <char>
#>  1:     1 faces.vhdr       1 Stimulus          s5
#>  2:     2 faces.vhdr       2 Stimulus        s101
#>  3:     3 faces.vhdr       3 Stimulus        s111
#>  4:     4 faces.vhdr       4 Stimulus        s130
#>  5:     5 faces.vhdr       5 Stimulus         s70
#>  6:     6 faces.vhdr       6 Stimulus        s130
#>  7:     7 faces.vhdr       7 Stimulus         s71
#>  8:     8 faces.vhdr       8 Stimulus        s130
#>  9:     9 faces.vhdr       9 Stimulus         s71
#> 10:    10 faces.vhdr      10 Stimulus        s130
#> 11:    11 faces.vhdr      11 Stimulus         s71
#> 12:    12 faces.vhdr      12 Stimulus        s130
#> 13:    13 faces.vhdr      13 Stimulus         s70
#> 14:    14 faces.vhdr      14 Stimulus        s130
#> 15:    15 faces.vhdr      15 Stimulus         s71
#> 16:    16 faces.vhdr      16 Stimulus        s130
#> 17:    17 faces.vhdr      17 Stimulus         s71
#> 18:    18 faces.vhdr      18 Stimulus        s130
#> 19:    19 faces.vhdr      19 Stimulus         s70
#> 20:    20 faces.vhdr      20 Stimulus        s130
#> 21:    21 faces.vhdr      21 Stimulus         s70
#> 22:    22 faces.vhdr      22 Stimulus        s130
#>       .id .recording segment     type description