
These functions are defunct.

downsample(x, q = 2, max_sample = NULL, ...)

segment(x, ...)

interpolate_tbl(.data, ...)

event_to_ch_NA(x, ...)

eeg_intervals_to_NA(x, ...)

ch_filt_low_pass(x, ...)

ch_filt_high_pass(x, ...)

ch_filt_band_pass(x, ...)

ch_filt_stop_pass(x, ...)

events(x, ...)

events(x) <- value

summarize_all_ch(x, ...)

summarize_at_ch(x, ...)

plot_gg(x, ...)

ch_baseline(x, ...)



Variable storing the x coordinate, generally .x (default).


integer factor(s) to downsample by.


Optionally, the (approximated) maximum sample number can be defined here, which is at least half of the total number of samples


Not in use.


An eeg_lst object.


Values used for the interpolation, generally .value (default).


  • 'downsample()' should be changed to 'eeg_downsample()'.

  • 'segment()' should be changed to 'eeg_segment()'.

  • 'interpolate_tbl()' should be changed to 'eeg_interpolate_tbl()'.

  • 'event_to_ch_NA()' should be changed to 'eeg_intervals_to_NA()'.

  • 'ch_filt_low_pass()' should be changed to 'eeg_filt_low_pass()'.

  • 'ch_filt_high_pass()' should be changed to 'eeg_filt_high_pass()'.

  • 'ch_filt_band_pass()' should be changed to 'eeg_filt_band_pass()'.

  • 'ch_filt_stop_pass()' should be changed to 'eeg_filt_band_stop()'.

  • 'ch_baseline()' should be changed to 'eeg_baseline()'.

  • 'events()' should be changed to 'events_tbl()'.

  • 'plot_gg()' should be changed to 'ggplot(aes(x=.time, y=.value))'.

  • 'summarize_all_ch(...)' should be changed to summarize_at(channel_names(.),...).

  • 'summarize_at_ch(...)' should be changed to summarize_at(...).