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Access to word predictability using large language (transformer) models.


These options are used to control various aspects of the pangoling package. Users can customize these options via the options() function by specifying pangoling.<option> names.

  • pangoling.debug: Logical; when TRUE, enables debugging mode. Default is FALSE.

  • pangoling.verbose: Integer; controls the verbosity level (e.g., 0 = silent, 1 = minimal, 2 = detailed). Default is 2.

  • pangoling.log.p: Logical; if TRUE (default), pangoling outputs log-transformed probabilities with base e, if FALSE the output are raw probabilities. Alternatively log.p can be the base of other logarithmic transformations (e.g., base 1/2, to get surprisal values in bits rather than predictability).

  • pangoling.cache: A cache object created with cachem::cache_mem, allowing you to specify the maximum size (in bytes) for cached objects. Default is 1024 * 1024^2 bytes (1 MB).

  • pangoling.causal.default: Character string; specifies the default model for causal language processing. Default is "gpt2".

  • pangoling.masked.default: Character string; specifies the default model for masked language processing. Default is "bert-base-uncased".

Use options(pangoling.<option> = <value>) to set these options in your session.


Maintainer: Bruno Nicenboim bruno.nicenboim@gmail.com (ORCID)

Other contributors:

  • Chris Emmerly [contributor]

  • Giovanni Cassani [contributor]

  • Lisa Levinson [reviewer]

  • Utku Turk [reviewer]


if (FALSE) { # interactive()
options(pangoling.verbose = FALSE) # Removes messages